October 20, 2016 

October 20, 2016
Friday, October 21
            Curriculum Day- NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, October 25
            3rd Grade field trip to Mystic Aquarium
Wednesday-Thursday, October 26-27
            Parent Teacher Conferences- 1:05 Dismissal
Friday, October 28
            Halloween Party 5:30-8:00
Monday, October 31
            Book Character Day
Wednesday, November 2
            The Toy Box fundraiser for PTO- 6:00-8:00pm 



Big Thanks are in Order!

Harvest Fest was a great success. Thank you, PTO, and all of the other volunteers who made the day so much fun. Thanks to Lani Blechman, for keeping the Book Fair open during the day. Like many others I came away with a fully sated appetite and an armful of books! 

And thanks, too, for everyone who helped make our Safety Day go so smoothly. The kids were absolutely fabulous. We watched closely for signs of stress, but most students looked upon the morning as just another adventure. The fire drill portion of the morning (assembling on the field, going to the library, taking a bus to Town Hall, and returning to school), took us under forty-five minutes to complete. As we returned to school on the bus, a third grader recommended that our evacuation site should be a motel with a pool on Cape Cod. I will take that under advisement.

                        -Margot Lacey


NEWS from Grade 5
By Sarah Gahagan and Magdalene Marcus

Thursday, October 13 the fifth grade hiked up Brushy Mountain!  Francesca described the hike as “fun, yet tiring from walking so much.”  Hayden said it was “super fun and awesome!” And Zoe said, “it was exciting and long!”
The fifth grade also got to climb in and out of caves and explored and ate lunch in houses made in 1790. Highlights form fifth graders were “lunch in the 1790 foundation, the caves, z-tag, our guide Brooke, learning different types of trees, and the cellar holes (the foundation of old houses).”
We enjoyed it a lot!


PTO Post

Last week’s PTO meeting was a lively one!  Much time was spent discussing Harvest Festival.  Responsibility for the Harvest Festival shifted more to the school this year when the town organizer decided to give up that role.  Let us know how you think it went and how you would like to help next year!  Other topics of discussion included Safety Day, Halloween Party, and treasurer/budget info.  Lots of help is still needed for the Halloween Party!  We are working on updating the PTO info on the school website and thinking about opportunities for a message board in the lobby or outside the front door.  Please send ideas or feedback to [email protected].  Our next meeting is Thursday, November 10 at 6:00.  Join us!


There's something spOOky going on...........

Looking for help in the Haunted House for this year's LES Halloween Party! 

If you like to scare the pants off of kids we've got just the job for you!  We need volunteer/actors and special effects support inside the haunted house on Friday Oct. 28th. 

Also we are looking to borrow some spooky supplies for the night, if you are able to loan us any of the following items, please let us know.
- Scary masks of all kinds
- Fog machines
- Black lights or other colored lights
- bubble machine
- large fake spiders
- old white sheets 

We, Jai (Amardas's mother) and Siri Om (Dayal's mother), are coordinating this addition to the Halloween Party!
Email Jai Fuller if you want to volunteer or loan any of these items, [email protected]


(Items listed here are not school sponsored)

 Yard sale on October 29 from 10-2 at  Long Plain Rd. In Leverett. It will include clothes, shoes, household items, toys and games as well as some building supplies. Come and see if there is something you need!


Fiddle and Violin lessons!
In Montague, MA,
for beginners and intermediate players of any age
Mary Lauren Fraser, professional fiddler with a background in classical violin and Suzuki Certified
Fun, clear, step-by-step instruction
Lessons starting in September 2016
Email for a trial lesson: [email protected]


There is a COMMUNITY FAMILY DANCE this Sunday, Oct. 23. It's fun for all ages so we hope you will join us 3-5pm at The Common School, 521 South Pleasant St. Last year's dances were such fun! 

  • All dances taught by Marguerite Durant, Hilltown Charter Schoolmusic teacher (she led the first dance last year)
  • Music by Joanna Morse (fiddle) and Linda Henry (piano)
  • Potluck snacks at the break (please bring one to share)
  • Suggested donation: Free for ages 0-2; $3-5 per person for ages 3 through adult; $15-20 maximum per family
  • Questions?Contact Gary[email protected], or Linda Henry[email protected]

This event is co-sponsored by The Common School and Country Dance & Song Society.


Community Network for Children Events

FAMILY HIKE-FREE: Join CNC and Dawn Marvin Ward for a Family Ramble and Nature Storywalk "LOOKING for a MOOSE" on  Sunday, October 23, at the Leverett Library at 1:00pm. This program is funded by a grant from the Leverett Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.  

FAIRIES OF THE SEASONS-FREE: Magical show with fairy puppets and a grumpy gnome. We will make our own fairies after the performance! To be held on Saturday, November 5th from10-11am at the Shutesbury Town Hall.  This program is funded by a grant from the Shutesbury Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.  








Monday, November 7, 5:00 – 7:30 at Soup & Game Night held at Hope & Olive.  Come and have fun and enjoy free soup and bread donated by local restaurants; also baked goods and a silent auction.  Bring the family and your favorite games to play while you eat soup and help families in need of diapers!  Hope & Olive is at 44 Hope St., Greenfield.

You can help fill the Franklin County Diaper Bank run by the Franklin County Resource Network by making a contribution in any amount. 

The Bank is very low on diapers and about to run out in another couple of months.   We are now distributing about 4,000 a month to families with low incomes.  If you can’t make it, please consider donating diapers or making a financial contribution.  Go to www.communityaction.us and link to “ways to give”. 

Please come for a most enjoyable evening; no set arrival time.  Share the information with friends and neighbors.  For information contact: Judith Weinthaler, [email protected].  Drop off diapers at my house at 24 Old Long Plain Road.  Thanks so much!

Posted by kate.rice On 20 October, 2016 at 2:12 PM  907 Comments

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