September 12, 2014 

September 12, 2014


Monday, September 15

            Broadband Information Meeting – 7 p.m.

Tuesday, September 16

            Dining for Dollars at Bertucci’s

Friday, September 26

            All-School Assembly – 2:15 p.m.

Monday, October 6

            School Committee Meeting – 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 8

            Open House – 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Monday, October 13

            Columbus Day – NO SCHOOL


Letter from the Leverett School Committee

The last goodbyes at camp, the last campfire extinguished, the last dip in the ocean, no more late sleep ins, the summer is past. But in its wake new images emerge, ones of young boys and girls rushing to catch buses, backpacks hurtling behind them, games played on the playground, new friends, hello to old friends, teachers busily preparing their rooms for opening day, and the new principal greeting those same youngsters at the school house door. And as with children, teachers, staff and administrators the Leverett School Committee has tossed aside its summer of relaxation to attend the business of overseeing the little red school house on Montague Road.

The School Committee met for the first time this new school year this past Monday. Our agendas tend to be somewhat predictable in their structure, but not necessarily in the direction that discussion, conversation, debate and dialogue take. There are minutes to approve, policy decisions to be made, information on enrollment and personnel to be presented. This month we voted on the Family Handbook and home schooling requests.

At the request of the Sustainability Subcommittee we discussed but reached no conclusion at this time on the issue of considering the creation of a five year  budget  plan  that  would  look  to reduce costs over that time period. Members were not convinced that we are in a position to move in that direction at this time. Members felt that more information is needed in order to make an informed and thoughtful decision. We did agree that it would be useful as a first step to have the SC chair attend meetings of the School Council and the PTO.

Principal Lacey has agreed to lay the groundwork for that over the course of the next few weeks. There were also discussions regarding the many building maintenance matters that had to be dealt with over the summer. We hope to have more information to share after the October meeting. And, of course, we had very, very preliminary talks regarding the fact that we will begin to discuss the FY16 budget in October.

Finally, and perhaps most important, the Committee discussed at length how to respond to the state’s movement towards replacing the MCAS standardized test with a new test, PARCC. In brief, there are three issues that members are to consider: first, their position on standardized testing; two, which of the two tests would they favor, if either; and, three, what, if any, response should be forthcoming from the SC. We have all pledged to do our due diligence in researching all matters pertaining to this very important educational topic. We urge you to do the same and recommend these two websites for your consideration:


Also, we welcome your thoughts and opinions on these issues and encourage you to contact any and all members of the SC to share those views. This is a topic that will engage our attention for some time to come.

Until next month, the first Monday of the month at 6:00pm in the library, enjoy the early signs of fall and bask in the enthusiasm of young people growing, developing and learning about their world.


Kip Fonsh, Chair


"This math is heart-attacking me”

So said my niece, at the age of six, while doing her first grade homework. There are many adults who may have the same feeling when faced with challenging or new information.

At LES, we are continually seeking new ways to help struggling learners or to stretch the curriculum when children are ready for more advanced material. One way that we are doing that this year is with Khan Academy. This program, which is free to all users, gives both children and adults the opportunity to practice and reinforce old skills and to learn new ones. There is a video component that gives brief lessons when the information is new, or when the user needs some help.

I’ve used Khan Academy myself over the summer to reinforce some long forgotten components of algebra, but the offerings range from math to medicine! You will be receiving a permission slip, which Khan Academy requires, to allow your child to access the program. This will also give the child an account that can be used at home.

Nothing can replace people, however. Parent volunteers, whether it is in the classroom or with the PTO, are an essential element in supporting learning here at LES.  In particular, I am looking for two parents who would like to fill seats on the LES School Council. Massachusetts law requires that every public school have a School Council. The School Council assists the building principal in developing the School Improvement Plan, reviewing the budget, and identifying other needs of the school. Its members represent staff, parents, and the community. An election must be held, even if the number of candidates is equal to the number of seats. This will take place on the evening of Open House (October 8th).

Please consider offering an evening each month to help LES!

                                                - Margot Lacey



Today, the youngest LES child in each family will bring home two important school publications, the School Handbook and the All School Directory.  The School Handbook contains extensive and hopefully comprehensive information about how our school works.  It also serves as the official notification to parents/guardians of the school’s attendance, immunization, discipline, and bullying policies.  Parent’s rights and responsibilities are clearly outlined in the handbook.  Stapled to the cover is a “Parent Sign-Off” sheet that needs to be completed by every family and returned to school.  This serves as a record that parents and guardians have been informed of school policies.  Please take the time to read the whole publication and then put it in a spot in your home where it can be referenced when necessary.  Then complete the Sign-Off sheet and return it to your child’s teacher.

The All School Directory contains annotated class lists that include addresses, phone numbers, and parents’ names.  In the back of the book there is a list of email addresses that parents have provided.  This book is for your use in arranging play-dates, birthday parties and all the other fun activities of a young LES student’s life.  Parents gave their permission to have their personal information included in the directory and this information is to be used for school related needs only.  Please respect our families’ privacy by not sharing information with folks not in the LES community.



Students in Grades 3 through 6 will take the Terra Nova tests over the next few weeks.  These tests are comprehensive measures of student achievement in reading and math.  Our students’ performance is measured against their grade peers all across the USA.  These tests are sent to the publisher to be scored and will be returned to us in time to share with parents at the fall Parent/Teacher conferences.  Students in Grade 6 will take the tests next week. The schedule for testing is listed below.  All of the testing will take place in the morning, so please be sure your child gets to school on time.  Thank you.

         Grade 6     September 15, 16, 17

         Grade 4     September 22, 23, 24

         Grade 5     September 29, 30, and October 1

         Grade 3     October  6, 7, 8

Upcoming Preschool Assessments

Beginning on Wednesday, September 17, 2014, all preschool students will be screened in the areas of Language, Concepts and Motor Skills using the screening tool, the Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL-4).  Ruth Love Barer, classroom teacher, Karen Gallagher, Speech Language Pathologist and Marianne Vinal, Occupational Therapist, will be administering the assessment, which generally takes about 20-30 minutes.   Ruth Love will be in touch with individual preschool parents if there are any significant concerns.  This screening assessment will give the classroom teacher valuable information in these three areas, which will help guide her teaching of your child.





State education officials will visit Leverett Elementary School for a program review during the week of October 20, 2014.

During the routine visit, Special Education, Civil Rights, and English Learner Education programs will be evaluated to verify compliance with state and federal requirements.

The officials will interview administrators, teachers and staff, survey parents, and observe instructional spaces.

Anyone wishing to be interviewed by the officials regarding any of the areas of review should call the Superintendent’s 0ffice at (413) 423-3337, no later than October 6th. They may also call the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education at (413) 314-6702. The interviews will take place within two weeks of completion of the onsite visit.


A letter and registration form from Brian Bender, our Instrumental Music teacher, announcing the start of this year’s program, was attached to last week’s Post.  This program is offered to students in Grades 3 - 6.  It is a fee-based program and lessons take place after school in the music room on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays.  If you have any questions about the program, please contact Brian at [email protected]. If you need another registration form, please call Marilyn at 548-9144.



If your family is getting more copies of the Post than you need, please call Marilyn at 548-9144 or e-mail [email protected], and let me know which of your children should bring home the Post.  Thanks!



Leverett Community Interview of the Week

Liza Pobebezinskaya

Sixth Grade


What do you like to do outside of school?

I like to read and play tennis with my brother.

What are you looking forward to this year?

Getting good grades and going on the sixth grade trip.


PTO Update

The focus at this month’s PTO meeting was on events and fundraising. The three events we are hoping to organize are: a Games Night, Math & Science Night, an Ice Skating Event and a Day of Service.   Fundraising plans are to continue with monthly Deans Beans orders (see form attached – DUE MONDAY), host four Bertucci evenings (there’s one  coming up on Tuesday,  September 16th!), have a Genivieve’s wrapping paper sale for the month of October, and look into a quilt design and raffle event.

We also need someone who might be interested in changing the outside message board on a regular basis. This person would have a prearranged time to check in with Marilyn each week and find out if anything needs to be changed. Please let Marilyn know if you are available to help with this.

As always we welcome new ideas and new members to PTO. Contact Jo-Ann Konieczny ([email protected]) if you would like to help with any of these events or would like to propose another idea.



(Erving, Leverett, Shutesbury and Swift River Schools) is increasing its pool for


All grades Pre-K – 6

Please visit our website at for a substitute application and CORI form and send with a resume to:

BettyLou Mallet


18 Pleasant Street

Erving, MA 01344

(413) 423-3337

[email protected]

~ EOE ~



(Items listed here are not school sponsored)


Piano Studio of Daphne Bye:  Daphne teaches piano out of her home in Montague Center.  She specializes in helping children learn quickly which, in turn, feeds their momentum and joy of learning.  Ask her about her integrative approach to Suzuki education that creates strong musicians who love the process, read well, and play beautifully.  Ages five and up.

 DESE and Suzuki certified, with degrees in both piano and music education from McGill University, Daphne has over 30 years of joyful experience teaching piano.  Reserve a spot now for this coming school year:[email protected]    413-834-0597 


Mucho Gusto Spanish with Laurie DavidsonNew classes this fall for older children and new locations!  Please visit for full fall schedule

•for ages 0-5 Songs, circle games, creative movement, stories

•for ages 6-8  Games, stories, drama, poems, songs, art projects, and bookmaking

•for ages 9-11  All of the above with emphasis on conversational Spanish and literacy.

For more info or to register, email Laurie at [email protected] or call 413-367-9608

New classes: 

     Tuesdays at Artspace in Greenfield, Sept. 9 – Nov. 18

            3:30-4:15 for ages 9-11 

            4:30-5:15 for ages 6-8 

     Wednesdays at Second Chances Kids' Consignment Shop in Amherst, Sept. 17 – Nov. 19

            9:15-9:50 and 10:00-10:35 for ages 0-5 with caregiver

            10:45-11:25 for ages 3-5 with caregiver

     Friday afterschool in Amherst, location TBA

            new group forming - email Laurie for more info


Fine Art Photography:  ELLIOTTO  The Leverett Crafts and Arts center is pleased to sponsor the Massachusetts photographic debut of Elliotto, presenting:  Americana:  Essence & Architecture.  The exhibit opens Sunday, 9/14, and runs until 9/28. The hours are Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 6:00 pm and Weekdays, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.  10% of all purchases by School parents will be donated to the school.


Big, beautiful, organic fall raspberries - $4/pint.  Please call Portia at 548-9737.

Traveling Rubarb Circus:  Former Leverett students Lucia Mason, Jackson Blaine, and Bella Lattanzi are in this circus production, along with a bunch of other kids. Their circus troupe is completely led by kids between the ages of 8 and 17, and they do it all!

You've waited a year and now it's here! Tickets are now available for the The Traveling Rhubarb Circus' 2014 show, Look! This year we will use fabric, trapeze, floor acrobatics and a brand new lyra to illustrate the story of the stars and Cassiopeia's stolen crown!  Tickets Now Available for Look! At the Montague Mini-Mart. 


Friday September 12 -- 6:30 PMSaturday September 13 -- 3:00 PM, Saturday September 13 -- 6:30 PM, Sunday September 14 -- 3:00 PM

Where?  2 North Street, Montague, MA 01351

Tickets won't last long so get 'em while they're hot!


Enrolling now! At TheCenter in Amherst, children spin stories from movement using classical and modern dance techniques. Sister duo Ashley and Caddy Carlisle combine their years of dance training with a special approach to teaching that gets kids reading, writing and dancing; connecting, collaborating and creating. It’s a holistic approach to dance. Classes beginning on September 18 for children ages 5 through 14, in downtown Amherst. For more information, or email [email protected].


The Fall session of Herbal Girls will begin soon for Fifth and Sixth Grade Girls.   We have fun learning wild edibles, foraging and making delicious treats, making herbal medicines and other herbal products. A highlight of this session will be dying wool with natural dyes and making a felted bag.  Wednesdays afterschool dates are September 17, 24, October 1,15 and possibly the 22nd if there is interest.  Tuition is $35/session with a $15 materials fee for the entire package.  Contact Jean Bergstrom for details and to register at [email protected]   or 367-2842.  Space is limited, so register soon.


The Enchanted Forest: A Non-scary Halloween Event

"Sounds of the Night" Friday & Saturday, October 24 & 25,

5:00-8:00pm.  Come to the Hitchcock Center for a magical treat! You will be led along our pumpkin lit forest trails where creatures will emerge to share their stories. This year we will meet nocturnal critters whose sounds fill the night. Fun for all ages!

            Adult:  Members $10 / Non-members $12

            Children:  Members $5 / Non-members $8

            Under 3 years free

Registration required, please call to sign up for a walk time, space is limited. Call: 256-6006


Responsible Leverett alum looking for after school or evening babysitting/parent helper job in the east Leverett area.  Good with kids and has a flexible schedule. Willing to negotiate pay.  For more information please call Gaelen Murray at 413-549-9960 or email her at [email protected].


Farmers Market & Group Tag Sale -Saturday, September 20th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m Rain (Town Hall) or Shine (Church Lawn) Leverett Congregational Church (across from post office)

COME TO BUY:  Attic treasures, household goods and more,

baked goods, preserves, & fresh local produce

COME TO SELL: Claim Your Own Tag Sale Space, 12’ x  12’ for $10.  Lots of room, NO reservations needed.

Call for more info: Nancy Paulin, 413-548-9644 



harvest festival
community network

support group


 If you would like to put a notice in the Community Bulletin Board section of the Friday Post, please submit notices to be published no later than Thursday at noon.  The easiest way to do that is by e-mail to [email protected]. Flyers for non-school sponsored events can be attached to the Post.  They must contain a disclaimer “This is not a school-sponsored event” and a sufficient number of copies (125) should be provided to the office by the end of the school day on Thursday.

Posted by On 12 September, 2014 at 12:26 PM  15 Comments

1Pro Moving & Shipping Company Vancouver - Address: 2120 Kingsway #102, Vancouver, BC V5N 2T5 - Phone: (604) 721-4555 (Guest) said On 09 August, 2023 at 3:02 PM
Relocating to a new home or office is a significant life event that can evoke a mixture of excitement and stress. Amidst the sea of moving and packing companies in Vancouver, one name stands out as a beacon of trust, professionalism, and top-notch service: 1PRO Moving Company. With an unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, innovative practices, and a dedicated team of experts, 1PRO Moving Company has established itself as the best moving company in Vancouver, BC. In this article, we will delve into the unique qualities that set 1PRO Moving Company apart, explore their comprehensive range of services, and showcase how they have redefined the moving experience for residents and businesses alike. 1PRO Moving Company: A Glimpse into Excellence - Established in the heart of Vancouver, 1PRO Moving Company has risen through the ranks to become a household name synonymous with reliability and excellence. What sets 1PRO Moving Company apart is not just their commitment to moving belongings from point A to point B, but their dedication to crafting seamless and stress-free experiences for their customers. Customer-Centric Approach: At the core of 1PRO Moving Company's success is their unwavering dedication to putting the customer first. From the initial inquiry to the final delivery, their team ensures that each step of the moving process is tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of their clients. Transparent Communication: Transparency is the foundation of any successful business relationship. 1PRO Moving Company prides itself on clear and open communication, providing clients with detailed quotes, timelines, and any necessary information to make informed decisions. Skilled and Professional Team: A moving company is only as good as its team. 1PRO Moving Company boasts a crew of highly trained professionals who are not only skilled in the art of packing, moving, and logistics but also approach each job with a positive attitude and a dedication to going above and beyond.Innovation in Service: 1Pro Moving & Shipping Company Vancouver - Address: 2120 Kingsway #102, Vancouver, BC V5N 2T5 - Phone: (604) 721-4555 In a rapidly evolving industry, innovation is key to staying ahead. 1PRO Moving Company leverages technology and modern practices to ensure that their services are efficient, reliable, and at the forefront of industry trends. Comprehensive Moving and Packing Services - 1PRO Moving Company's commitment to excellence extends to their wide array of services, catering to both residential and commercial clients. Their comprehensive offerings cover every aspect of the moving process, leaving no stone unturned when it comes to delivering a seamless experience. Residential Moves: Moving homes can be an emotionally charged experience. 1PRO Moving Company takes the stress out of the equation with their meticulous planning, careful packing, secure transportation, and efficient unpacking services. Whether it's a studio apartment or a sprawling estate, their team handles each move with precision and care. Commercial Relocations: Businesses in Vancouver rely on 1PRO Moving Company for their commercial moving needs. From small offices to large corporate spaces, their experts ensure minimal disruption to operations by meticulously planning and executing each move with precision. Packing and Unpacking Services: The art of packing is more than just placing items in boxes—it's about ensuring that possessions arrive at their destination in pristine condition. 1PRO Moving Company's packing and unpacking services encompass professional packing techniques, handling delicate items, and organizing belongings in a way that makes settling into a new space a breeze. Furniture Disassembly and Reassembly: Bulky furniture can be a challenge to move, especially when it comes to navigating tight spaces. 1PRO Moving Company's team is equipped to disassemble and reassemble furniture, ensuring that each piece arrives intact and is seamlessly reassembled at the destination. Specialty Items and Vehicles: Some moves require extra care and expertise. Whether it's valuable artwork, antiques, pianos, or even vehicles, 1PRO Moving Company has the experience and equipment to handle specialty items with the utmost care and attention. The 1PRO Moving Company Difference: A Personalized Experience: What truly sets 1PRO Moving Company apart is their commitment to personalizing every move to suit the specific needs and preferences of their clients. From start to finish, they go the extra mile to ensure that each move is a reflection of the client's vision and requirements. Website: Customized Moving Plans: Recognizing that no two moves are alike, 1PRO Moving Company creates customized moving plans that take into account factors such as the size of the move, the distance, and any unique considerations. This personalized approach ensures that clients receive a tailored experience that meets their expectations. Flexible Scheduling: Life doesn't always adhere to a strict schedule, and neither does 1PRO Moving Company. They understand that unexpected changes can arise, and they work closely with clients to accommodate shifts in moving dates, ensuring a smooth and stress-free transition. Post-Move Support: The relationship doesn't end once the last box is unpacked. 1PRO Moving Company remains committed to their clients' satisfaction, offering post-move support, addressing any concerns, and providing guidance on settling into a new space. The Eco-Friendly Approach: Sustainability in Moving: In an era where sustainability is a paramount concern, 1PRO Moving Company is taking strides to minimize their environmental footprint and promote eco-friendly practices within the moving industry. Efficient Logistics Planning: 1PRO Moving Company's logistics experts optimize routes and transportation methods to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, thereby contributing to a greener moving process. Recyclable Packing Materials: From recyclable packing materials to reusable crates, their commitment to sustainable packaging not only ensures the safety of belongings but also minimizes waste generation. Electronics Disposal: In a world of fast-paced technological advancements, disposing of electronics responsibly is crucial. 1PRO Moving Company partners with reputable e-waste recycling facilities to ensure that electronic devices are properly recycled or disposed of. 1Pro Moving & Shipping Company Vancouver - Address: 2120 Kingsway #102, Vancouver, BC V5N 2T5 - Phone: (604) 721-4555 Conclusion: In the vibrant city of Vancouver, where the need for reliable, efficient, and customer-focused moving services is paramount, 1PRO Moving Company has emerged as a true industry leader. Their dedication to excellence, innovative practices, personalized approach, and commitment to sustainability have solidified their reputation as the best moving company in Vancouver, BC. As the city continues to evolve, 1PRO Moving Company stands as a shining example of how a service-driven business can transform the moving experience into one of anticipation, ease, and satisfaction. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control Barrie - Address: 6 Fenchurch Manor, Barrie, ON L4N 5X3 - Phone: (705) 250-2775 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nestled on the shores of Lake Simcoe, the picturesque city of Barrie, Ontario, boasts natural beauty and a thriving community. However, as with any urban area, maintaining a harmonious living environment requires diligent efforts, including effective pest control. In Barrie, pest control services play a crucial role in safeguarding homes, businesses, and the overall quality of life. This article explores the significance of pest control in Barrie, delves into the services offered by local experts, and highlights the proactive measures residents and businesses can take to keep pests at bay. Website: The Need for Pest Control in Barrie: Barrie's unique blend of urban and natural landscapes provides an inviting habitat for various pests. From rodents seeking shelter in winter to insects flourishing during warmer months, pest populations can quickly escalate without proper management. This creates potential health risks, property damage, and disruptions to daily life. As such, pest control services in Barrie play a vital role in preserving the city's charm and ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for all. Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control Barrie - Address: 6 Fenchurch Manor, Barrie, ON L4N 5X3 - Phone: (705) 250-2775 Protecting Health: Pests such as rodents, cockroaches, and bedbugs are carriers of diseases that can harm human health. Effective pest control measures help prevent the spread of illnesses and safeguard the well-being of Barrie's residents.Safeguarding Property: Pests can cause extensive damage to structures, furniture, and belongings. Termites, for instance, can silently wreak havoc on homes, leading to costly repairs. Pest control services help mitigate these risks and protect property investments. Maintaining Hygiene: Businesses, restaurants, and food establishments in Barrie rely on pest control to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations. Proper pest management is essential for maintaining cleanliness and preserving the reputation of these establishments. Local Pest Control Services in Barrie, Ontario: Barrie is home to a range of pest control professionals equipped with the expertise, knowledge, and resources to address diverse pest-related challenges. These services extend beyond basic extermination, embracing integrated approaches that prioritize prevention and sustainable practices. Comprehensive Inspections: Local pest control companies conduct thorough inspections to identify existing pest issues, vulnerabilities, and potential entry points. This proactive approach helps create effective and tailored treatment plans. Eco-Friendly Solutions: Many pest control services in Barrie prioritize eco-friendly and non-toxic solutions that minimize environmental impact while effectively controlling pests. These methods prioritize the health of residents and local ecosystems. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): IPM strategies focus on long-term prevention rather than short-term extermination. Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control Barrie - Address: 6 Fenchurch Manor, Barrie, ON L4N 5X3 - Phone: (705) 250-2775 By combining various techniques such as sanitation, exclusion, and targeted treatments, pest control professionals in Barrie help reduce reliance on chemicals. Education and Awareness: Local pest control services often engage in community outreach and education to raise awareness about pest prevention and the importance of early intervention. Workshops, seminars, and informational materials help empower residents and businesses to take proactive measures. Proactive Pest Prevention Tips: Preventing pest infestations in Barrie involves a combination of professional services and individual responsibility. Residents and businesses can adopt proactive practices to minimize the risk of pest-related challenges. Sealing Entry Points: Regularly inspect and seal cracks, gaps, and openings in walls, doors, and windows. Pests can exploit even the smallest openings to enter buildings. Proper Waste Management: Keep garbage tightly sealed and dispose of it regularly. Pests are attracted to food sources, so maintaining a clean and waste-free environment is crucial. Landscaping Maintenance: Trim shrubs, trees, and vegetation away from buildings to eliminate potential bridges for pests. Maintaining a well-groomed landscape reduces hiding spots and nesting areas. Stagnant Water Removal: Eliminate stagnant water sources, as they attract mosquitoes and other pests. Regularly empty and clean gutters, bird baths, and other containers that can collect water. Food Storage: Store food items in airtight containers and clean up spills promptly. Kitchens are prime targets for pests, and proper food storage prevents infestations. As Barrie continues to flourish as a vibrant and desirable place to live and work, the role of pest control services remains integral to preserving its appeal. The combined efforts of local pest control professionals, community members, and businesses contribute to maintaining a harmonious coexistence with the diverse ecosystem that surrounds the city. By emphasizing prevention, education, and environmentally friendly practices, Barrie's residents and pest control services work hand in hand to create a pest-free environment that ensures the well-being and prosperity of the community. Pest Kings Wildlife & Pest Control Barrie - Address: 6 Fenchurch Manor, Barrie, ON L4N 5X3 - Phone: (705) 250-2775 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evergreen Optometry Clinic - Address: 550 W Broadway #506, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0E9 - Phone: (778) 330-3906 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the heart of Vancouver, where the urban landscape meets the stunning backdrop of nature, a beacon of exceptional eye care stands tall. Evergreen Optometry Clinic, nestled on Broadway, is more than just a vision care center—it's a testament to the fusion of expertise, innovation, and compassion. With a commitment to enhancing visual clarity, eye health, and overall well-being, Evergreen Optometry Clinic has earned its reputation as a cornerstone of exceptional optometry in Vancouver, BC. This article delves into the unique qualities that define Evergreen Optometry Clinic, explores the comprehensive range of services they provide, and showcases how they illuminate the world of vision care on Broadway. The Essence of Evergreen Optometry Clinic: In a city that thrives on diversity and innovation, Evergreen Optometry Clinic embodies these qualities through its unwavering dedication to superior eye care and a patient-centric approach. What sets Evergreen Optometry Clinic apart is not just their commitment to vision correction, but their holistic view of eye health and their passion for improving the quality of life for their patients. Patient-Centered Approach: Evergreen Optometry Clinic places the patient at the core of every interaction. From the moment a patient walks through the door, they are met with warmth, empathy, and a genuine desire to understand their unique needs and concerns. Comprehensive Eye Examinations: Beyond the routine eye exam, Evergreen Optometry Clinic conducts thorough and comprehensive assessments that go beyond visual acuity. This approach enables them to identify early signs of ocular conditions and provide proactive solutions. State-of-the-Art Technology: Embracing advancements in optometric technology, Evergreen Optometry Clinic employs cutting-edge equipment for accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. This ensures precision and minimizes the guesswork in addressing visual issues. Evergreen Optometry Clinic - Address: 550 W Broadway #506, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0E9 - Phone: (778) 330-3906. Educational Advocacy: Evergreen Optometry Clinic recognizes the power of education in promoting eye health. Through informative consultations, they empower patients to make informed decisions about their eye care and lifestyle choices. A Multifaceted Spectrum of Services: Evergreen Optometry Clinic's commitment to comprehensive eye care is reflected in the diverse range of services they offer. From routine eye exams to specialized treatments, their expertise covers every aspect of visual health and well-being. Website: Comprehensive Eye Examinations: Evergreen Optometry Clinic's eye exams extend beyond assessing vision acuity. They encompass a thorough evaluation of eye health, identifying potential concerns such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Evergreen Optometry Clinic - Address: 550 W Broadway #506, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0E9 - Phone: (778) 330-3906 Myopia Management: As myopia (nearsightedness) rates rise globally, Evergreen Optometry Clinic employs evidence-based approaches to slow its progression in children, helping to preserve long-term eye health. Contact Lens Services: Evergreen Optometry Clinic provides a personalized approach to contact lens fittings, ensuring optimal comfort, visual clarity, and eye health for wearers. Evergreen Optometry Clinic - Address: 550 W Broadway #506, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0E9 - Phone: (778) 330-3906. Dry Eye Management: Recognizing the prevalence of dry eye syndrome, the clinic offers specialized assessments and treatments to alleviate discomfort and improve tear production. Emergency Eye Care: With a deep understanding of the urgency of certain eye conditions, Evergreen Optometry Clinic offers prompt and compassionate emergency eye care services. A Vision of Community Impact: Evergreen Optometry Clinic's influence extends beyond the walls of their clinic, reaching into the heart of the Vancouver community. Their commitment to making a positive impact is evident in their outreach efforts, educational initiatives, and active involvement in enhancing eye care awareness. Evergreen Optometry Clinic - Address: 550 W Broadway #506, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0E9 - Phone: (778) 330-3906 Community Outreach: Evergreen Optometry Clinic engages in community outreach programs, offering eye care services and education to underserved populations and those in need. School Visits and Education: Recognizing the importance of early eye health awareness, Evergreen Optometry Clinic visits schools to provide educational sessions and eye screenings for children. Charitable Initiatives: Evergreen Optometry Clinic participates in charitable events and initiatives aimed at promoting eye health, supporting local causes, and giving back to the Vancouver community. In the vibrant tapestry of Vancouver, Evergreen Optometry Clinic shines as a beacon of excellence, innovation, and compassionate care. Their dedication to preserving and enhancing vision goes beyond clinical expertise—it's a testament to their belief in the power of clear sight to transform lives. As they continue to illuminate the world of vision care on Broadway, Evergreen Optometry Clinic remains a symbol of hope, empowerment, and the unwavering pursuit of optimal eye health for the residents of Vancouver, BC.   
Rachael Mildred (Guest) said On 19 January, 2023 at 7:06 PM
EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL TO GET EX HUSBAND/BOYFRIEND OR EX WIFE/GIRLFRIEND AND CURE HERPES AND INFERTILITY THAT WORKS WITHIN 24 HOURS. ALSO WIN LOTTERY POWERBALL/MEGAMILLIONS 100% GUARANTEED  Contact Doctor Odunga Michael at [email protected] OR Whats App/CALL +2348167159012 I got my ex husband back to me and also got fertile and gave birth to twin girls after 12 years of marriage. When I came online last year, I saw a testimony about Doctor Michael and how he has been helping people with marriage issues and I decided to contact him. We spoke on email at [email protected] and later he gave me his WhatsApp number which is +2348167159012. He assured me he would help me get my ex husband back after 3 years of no contact. Doctor Michael is the best spell caster I must say. My husband called me after 24 hours of contact. The third day, I received natural herbs for fertility and after using it, I became fertile and conceived. I and my husband reconnected, had sex and I was pregnant. Presently I am happy to say I am the mother of twin girls and this is ALL THANKS TO DOCTOR ODUNGA MICHAEL. I came online to say this: If you need help, I believe you are saved with this man. Contact his email at [email protected]  OR Whats App/Call +2348167159012 and you too will give a testimony too to help others  
Dexter Tamara (Guest) said On 29 November, 2022 at 10:46 AM
My mom was suffering from type 2 diabetes and Lupus for over 17yrs. She tried many drugs but at last became dependent on saferoom and metformin due to the weakness and constant pains, She found that life was just sinking & there was no way of hope. Then she consulted for herbal treatments, Which she had been hearing so much about, After some couple of days taking this herbal medicine, Things started to change, The symptoms started to decrease and after 19 days of taking it, She became healthy and fully free from all the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and Lupus. My mom's life is totally different now. That's why I decided to let everybody know about the wonderful healing of, If you are having any health challenges kindly visit email [email protected] or WhatsApp +2348132777335.   
Tom Peacock (Guest) said On 29 November, 2022 at 10:43 AM
My name is Tom Peacock from USA, I want to say thank you to Dr Emu for the good thing he has done for me, Though am not sure if this is the best forum to show my joy and happiness for what he has done for me but i can't hide my happiness and my joy so i have to share it with people, my marriage got crashed about two years ago and i tried all i could within my power but to no avail. I saw a post and testimonial about the good things Dr Emu has been doing so I decided to give it a try. though he is always a busy man but when he responded back to my email, he gave me 48 hours for my marriage to be restored really just like he said my marriage was restored since then I am happy and i am living happily i am so grateful to Dr Emu you can always email him here: {[email protected]} or WhatsApp: {+2347012841542}   
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