ADA School District Goals and Objectives

File: ADA


The goal of this school system is to accept responsibility for the development of each child into an adult who can stand confidently, participate fully, learn continually and enthusiastically and contribute meaningfully to society.

Six objects that contribute to the achievement of this goal, listed without priority in arrangement, define desirable outcomes to be incorporated into plans for the school system.

  1. Leadership, Governance and Communication: To establish, implement and continuously evaluate the efficiency of policies and procedures, particularly as they relate to student achievement and to communicate these goals and objectives effectively to the community.

  2. Curriculum and Instruction: To develop and implement curricula and instructional practices which maximize high levels of achievement for and support the diverse abilities of all students and to ensure that curricula is aligned with the state Frameworks.

  3. Assessment and Program Evaluation: To use student assessment results, local benchmarks and other pertinent data to inform all aspects of decision making (e.g. policy development and implementation, instructional programs, professional development, assessment practices and supervision) in an effort to attain high student achievement.

  4. Human Resource Management and Professional Development: To identify, attract and recruit highly qualified personnel, as well as to create an environment that is supportive and promotes their professional growth, so that they can be effective personnel who successfully help students maximize their achievement in all subject areas.

  5. Access, Participation and Student Academic Support: To provide quality programs that are comprehensive, accessible, engaging and rigorous for all students regardless of their learning needs.

  6. Financial and Asset Management Effectiveness and Efficiency: To create a budget process that is participatory, well-documented and transparent and to create a budget that ensures a quality educational program for all students, one that promotes high student achievement while monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of fiscal resources.


NOTE: This category is for a statement summarizing goals in all areas. Educational goals are better filed under code IA, Instructional Goals. All

goals statements in other areas might be cross-referenced.

The NEPN classification system provides a code for filing goals in major areas of operations as follows:

AD, Educational Philosophy
BA, School Committee Operational Goals CA, Administration Goals
DA, Fiscal Management Goals
EA, Support Services Goals
FA, Facilities Development Goals
GA, Personnel Policies Goals
HA, Negotiations Goals
IA, Instructional Goals
JA, Student Policies Goals
KA, School-Community Relations Goals LA, Education Agency Relations Goals

In each instance, Priority Objectives for the area follows as the first three- letter sub code.

First reading: 11-07-06
Second reading, first vote: 01-02-07 Final Vote: 02-06-07